Whether you’re dealing with workers’ compensation or unemployment claims, risk management can be a struggle for any business. You only have a certain amount of hours and budget to handle everything that needs to get done to run a successful organization, so having to deal with potential risks can put a damper on your profitability.
Fortunately, The Outsource Pros can help find you a PEO partner that has experience helping people in your specific industry. We partner with trained professionals who know human resource functions like risk management inside and out, allowing you to breathe easy and save both time and money in the process.
PEO’s can help you in many ways, here are a few:
- Safety programs
- Safety manuals
- Safety guidelines
- Workplace inspections
- Drug testing
- Workers’ Compensation insurance
- Workers’ Compensation claims investigation, representation, and management
- Reduce liability for unemployment taxes
- Help you write detailed handbooks and job descriptions
- Consult with you on the employee discipline and termination process
- Ensure you stay compliant with unemployment laws and regulations
- Provide representation at claims hearings